We require updated bordetella, distemper and rabies vaccines for all dogs that are in our facility. Puppies too young for rabies are welcome as long as they have started their boosters. They will not be able to socialize with other dogs until the rabies vaccine has been administered.

Dog parents are welcome to bring a variety of things. Bedding, toys and blankets are welcome. We just ask that anything that you bring is something that can be put in a standard washing machine. Treats, bones or filled kongs are also welcome. Bowls are not permitted unless a slow feeder or other specific bowl is required. Please label all belongings.
You are welcome to bring a snack or treats for them for us to give throughout the day, but we recommend keeping what you bring to a minimal, as they are only spending a few hours of the day with us.
We do not require our dogs to be neutered or spayed. All females in heat or suspected to be going into heat will be kept by themselves or with female playmates only. Any dog that tends to mount will be pulled out of play groups as needed, regardless of whether they are neutered or not.
We do not discriminate against any breed. We will take any dog that is good with our handlers, but will work with a variety of situation as dogs get comfortable. We take dogs that are good in a variety of energy leveled play groups, as well as dogs who do better by themselves, socializing with our handlers rather than other dogs.
Our main focus is our social play groups. Our all indoor facility allows for our dogs to get to play regardless of our Florida heat and summer rain. We also have an indoor pool for dogs to get to swim or splash around in our shallow end. We do allow for rest periods for both our daycare and boarders to relax in their own private suite.
Pictures are by request only. Upon checking in, let the front trolley staff know and you will be put on our running picture list. There is no additional charge and all pictures will be uploaded on our facebook page. Please remember that not all play groups and pool groups are photographed each day, but that pictures will be posted multiple times throughout the day.
There is no extra charge for pool time, but it is by request only. Upon checking in, let the front trolley staff know that you would like your dog to go in the pool and they will be put on our running pool list.
All of our dogs have access to water all throughout the day. Some dogs get distracted by all of the activity and change in their typical routine and will wait until they are home and ready to relax to decide to make up for loss water bowl time!
We do fill up for boarding, especially when children are out of school or during any federal or major holiday. We recommend all reservations be made as far in advance as possible to guarantee your spot. Daycare does fill up as well, so we recommend making your reservations a couple weeks in advance.
Medication can be distributed without charge up to three times per day. Any additional application will be a $3.00 charge per application per day. Any medications given outside of our normal business hours will be an additional $5.00 per application per day. Medication administration for dogs just doing daycare will cost an additional $3.00 per application.
Dogs are creatures of habits. Any change in normal activity or diet can cause disrupt to a more sensitive dogs stomach. While we find that dogs who are more nervous or anxious when boarding are the most likely to be effected, even the most active, social dog can potentially get diarrhea. Sometimes dogs can go their whole boarding stay and not have stomach issues until they get home. The excitement of being in a whole new environment, meeting new people, new dogs, getting used to a new routine, then seeing their parents again can finally catch up to them when they get home and relaxed. In most cases this resolves itself within a few days.
Kennel cough can be compared to the doggy cold. While we do require the bordetella vaccine, it only covers some of the strands that can be linked to kennel cough. Bordetella is like a flu shot in that it helps to prevent, but does not guarantee immunity. While we do everything we can to keep our facility clean, a dog can catch kennel cough. There is a 7-10 day incubation period, where a dog could touch noses with a contagious dog at a dog park, catch the germs, then come into our facility to board, then go home finally showing signs of kennel cough, while never showing any while boarding. Dog boarding is a lot like having your child at school. A dog who never goes anywhere outside of their home and the vet will be more susceptible to catching a doggy cold then a dog who regularly visits dog parks or boarding facilities.
If your dog is not good with others that is no problem at all! Our play groups are divided into sections based on their temperaments. Your dog can be out in a section by themselves or with their other family members. They can still participate in their own private pool time and will get to hang out with the staff. We do suggest bringing a toy that they really enjoy so that the staff can play with them during their stay.
Every special needs dog is a case by case scenario. We ask that all parents are up front with whatever ailments their dog may have, which allows for us to plan accordingly for their boarding reservation. Upon check-in, if your dog has a life threatening or serious medical condition, we will have you sign a medical directive to ensure that everyone is aware of whatever emergency measures may need to be taken should something happen while your dog is boarding. We do require an available emergency contact that can pick your dog up from boarding if necessary. Please call us for our specific questions regarding your dog’s medical needs.
Aside from boarding and daycare, we do offer spa services as well. These services include bathing, nail trims, nail dremels, ear cleaning, teeth brushing and choice of a variety of shampoos and conditioners to benefit all coat types and lengths. All of these services do require a reservation and can be added onto any daycare and boarding stay.
While all of our daycare pups are given the same amount of playtime throughout the day, you may notice that your pup is or is not tired after daycare. Daycare is full of fun and play, but it can often be a new and somewhat overwhelming environment for dogs that have little to no socialization with other dogs at first. Getting to know other furry playmates, the awesome staff, and general routine can be tiring work! The more your dog comes to daycare, the more it gets used to our day to day routine and will start to build up a tolerance. That being said, as your pup gets used to the level of daycare activity we provide, the more his or her body will acclimate and that may or may not affect how tired they are at the end of the day, regardless of just how much amazing playtime they receive.
We do not have specific drop off and pick up hours, we allow for whatever time works best for our parents as long as it is between our business hours, no earlier than 7 AM and no later than 7 PM.
A trained staff member stays overnight. While the dogs are not going out into late night play groups, you can take comfort in knowing that someone is there to monitor for any abnormal situations that might occur overnight.
If you have both a small and a large dog, we offer various options and you can decide on whichever option benefits your pups most. If you want your small and large dog to board together, they will be boarding in our big dog area, unless they are both seniors which would allow them to board in our senior area. This means that your small dog will either go out in a play group with larger dogs, which will of course be monitored, or your small dog can have isolated playtime with only its sibling. If you want your little dog to only play with other small dogs, it can board separately in our small dog area while your big dog boards in our larger dog area.
Dogs who are heartworm positive and going through immiticide injections to get rid of their heartworms, sometimes called the “fast kill” treatment, have strict instructions to stay calm and rested during treatment. We do not allow dogs to board or do daycare with us while undergoing treatment for the safety of the dog as Dogtown is generally a more high energy atmosphere.
Unfortunately, we do not take dogs that have stitches, whether it is actual stitches or just glue. Any dog healing from something such as a spay or neuter must complete their heal time (generally 10-14 days) before they can come back to play with us, and sutures would need to be out.
Dogtown isn’t just for the dogs! We do offer cat boarding. We require updated FVRCP and Rabies vaccines. Cats will each have their own condo. We provide litter and tray, so you just need to bring their food, treats, and anything you think will make them comfortable! We do allow for things such as small cat scratchers, beds, and toys.
We will interact with your cat based on its comfortability. Some cats would much prefer to do their own thing, which we are happy to oblige, but if your cat would like to socialize with the staff we are happy to! We have a whole cat room that they can roam and explore, cat trees to climb and windows for people/dog watching!
More “exotic” boarding is taken on a case by case basis, give us a call to see if we can accommodate for you and your animal’s needs!